How To Lose Weight By Cycling | Healthy Weight Loss Tips On The Bike

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cycling can be a great way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight so in this video amongst other things we thought we share with you the best way to mix good nutritional practices around your cycling if you’re looking to use cycling to shed a few pounds or just to perform at optimal race weight we hope you can find some of these tips useful not only to lose weight but also to learn how to use cycling as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle let’s get into it [Music] so you’ve decided to lose some weight or when should you look to do this well you’ll have far more flexibility if you look to organize in around lower intense periods of training such as bass training or if you are casually like myself for these days then any time will suit really but during high-intensity and heavy volume training and raise periods for example you’re fueling and recovery demands are too high to maintain a calorie deficit whilst maintaining fitness if your goal is achieving optimal raceway don’t wait until a few weeks before your peak race goal or just assume that the weights will fall off through training the majority of us will need action through a detailed plan regardless of whether you’re an endurance athlete or a recreational cyclists losing weight involves paying a lot of attention if not more attention to nutrition as an exercise competitive cyclist looking for gains in performance should be focus in their soul exercise habits on performance development first and foremost training to burn extra calories can quickly lead to overtraining and under fueling and it definitely does not help your fat loss or weight loss goals and it does not help improve performance fat loss takes time water Oz happens overnight if you want to lose weight and improve your cycling performance then you want to focus on fat loss which means stay impatient at the same time it doesn’t mean you should be over ambitious in your calorie deficit goals so you should aim for roughly 300 it’s a 500 calorie deficit per day if you want to have a healthy fat loss routine which is achievable during lower intense periods of training such as bass training which we will talk about later starving yourself each day in a high calorie deficit isn’t going to help anything it’s actually going to hinder your performance and your weight loss goals it’s going to have negative effects such as a weakened immune system depression slow metabolism nutrient deficiencies and high fatigue so you want to make sure that any efforts to achieve your optimal weight carried out in a controlled and gradual manner and you stay healthy throughout while under fueling is the fastest route to overtraining over fooling won’t work on weight loss either the perfect balance takes action and attention to detail now it’s worth highlighting but no number on the scales its complete picture of your own health the way you treat your body and mind are sometimes better indicators of your general health and well-being muscle is much denser than fat one liter of muscle weighs approximately one point zero six kilograms while one liter of fat weighs not point nine kilograms an easier way to think of it is that if you have an equal volume of muscle and fat well the fat is going to weigh 80% of what the muscle does so as two people may weigh the same their body compositions could be completely different it’s not just as easy as looking at the scales and losing weight or looking at the scales and seeing no difference in weight despite our continued efforts to improve your cycling performance you need to maintain or increase your muscle mass whilst keeping your fat percentage in a healthy range if you’re frustrated that you aren’t losing weight well it may be worth getting the help of a sports nutritionist to help you measure your body fat you may just be losing fat and gaining muscle which isn’t a bad thing at all so don’t treat absence of weight loss as a negative the amount of essential fat differs between men and women and it is typically around two to five percent in men and 10 to 13 percent in women a healthy range of body fat in men is typically defined as eight to nineteen percent while the healthy range for women is twenty-one to thirty three percent which is dependent on age as shown in this table from the American Council of fitness low body fat is hard to maintain over a sustained period of time and there are no recognized health benefits to having a body fat under 8% an attitude there’s quite a lot of negative effects with low body fat in women linked to fertility and reproductive issues and also there’s links to decreased performance and immune function heart problems and also low energy levels body fat is integral to keeping your entire body in check so I think the key point to note is that whilst we see super skinny riders on our screens a key event throughout the year like the Tour de France for instance well these riders they’re not maintaining their lowest weight for the whole year they’re kind of timing this low race weight for only maybe two or three points throughout the season and often for only two weeks at a time at the end of a Grand Tour for instance and also they’re using professionals to really manage this weight loss and maintain the race weight in the right way so I think what I’m trying to say is not to emulate them and you’re riding throughout the whole year or kind of look at it as a holy grail of how you should look on the bike because well these are profession was pushing their bodies to the absolute limits you’ll get the most out of your cycling and general health if you look to maintain a healthy body fat percentage not a Tour de France winning a body fat percentage that has been timed to perfection into the week leading up to the Grand Tour set yourself goals and mark your progress now that doesn’t necessarily have to be a weight orientated goal it could be as simple as setting a time on a climb near you and trying to beat it week after week or it could be it trying to be a set course near your house I think the point is don’t get too hung up on the weight I think think about trying to create a healthier lifestyle and a better cycling performance keeping tabs on your progress can help you stay on track for a sustained period of time remember the lost art of keeping a diary in one of my previous videos well can be really useful for keeping tabs on your progress either way you want to make healthy changes but it gonna make you feel happier both physically and mentally so smooth considering what you actually want to achieve at by losing weight before you begin [Music] there are many fad diets out there and technical sounding nutrition plans let’s be honest we’ll leave you more confused than anything what is this now only cornflakes shouldn’t have milk with your cornflakes just corn flakes on their own dry corn flakes the corn flake diet I mean what is the world coming to in my opinion the best approach is to eat a balanced healthy diet with management of total food consumed in line with that 300 to 500 calorie deficit per day as we described earlier and here are a few bits of key advice which will really help you achieve this load up on vegetables by filling half your plate with veggies at most meals fruit is also a great component of any healthy eating regime and it’s worth getting familiar with the current food pyramid because well you want to be looking to get fruit vegetables and salad as your primary food source and most meals GCN’s a plant-based cite kiss recipe book is a great resource I’m not saying you need to be vegan but this book has loads of recipes and ideas in ways you can incorporate more fruit and vegetables into your diet in an interesting and creative way I use it in tandem with other recipe books because I do still eat meat but it is nice to have one or two vegetarian or vegan meals throughout the week what about you Connor do you still eat me yeah do you still eat meat man on but I wouldn’t say it’s sort of the main aspect of my diet actually I kind of eat meat maybe every three days and the majority of the time I’m more kind of focus on fruit and vegetables and salad next up eliminate all sugary sodas including diet sodas liquid calories can quickly add up without filling you up next up you want to eliminate all sugary snacks junk food crisps chips lovely sweets yeah this step alone though is enough for many of us to begin losing weight gradually away [Applause] athletes her eating a whole food nutrient dense diet need to start their weight loss journey with portion control unfortunately even the best foods can be over eaten try to maintain a protein intake as normal despite having a lower calorie intake this means upping the proportion of protein in your daily diet to 25 to 30 percent of your daily calorie intake focus on lean protein sources such as meat fish eggs tofu beans and pulses maintaining protein intake will maintain a lean body mass and focus weight loss on fat loss try to limit random grazing and instead focus on mealtimes identify the points when you really pack in those unnecessary calories and take measures to curtail this if like me you like to eat whole portion of porridge when you’re relaxing in your hammock well try to replace this with maybe a portion of natural yogurt instead take a look at how training can complement a good nutrition and if all this seems like gobbledygook don’t worry just get out there and provide fuel for your training sessions before during and after don’t look at these times as places where you can skimp on your nutrition so that means getting adequate meal in before your trainer get carbohydrates into whilst you’re training and when you’re finished training get a protein rich recovery minute skimp on these errors and you’ll probably not get the benefits of the session that you’re hoping for and you’ll probably also suffer from a dramatically increased appetite at other times of the day making it harder to stay on track fuel effectively train effectively another tip lower your carbohydrate intake a little on breast days and recovery days these are days when you can get away with training on a little less carbs than you’re used to and doing so will have little impact on your fitness rubriz the day before a recovery day it’s a light low carbohydrate meal for dinner and see how you get on make sure you’re getting enough sleep aim for about eight hours per night I remember that sleep deprivation can inhibit fat loss to recovery is all part of training to think about when you eat your meals try and plan them around your training instead of sticking to the usual meal schedule for example when you get back from a ride you do you have a protein shake and then how a few hours wait until lunch or dinner why not plan your meals straight after your training and use it as a pro so ride recovery you got to tuck into this now add in a glycogen depleted training session it’s your weekly routine try riding for 30 to 60 minutes before breakfast but then make sure you do get your usual breakfast after you finish the session now there is evidence that training like this in a fasted state can help boost fat loss and aid your fat burning efforts but it isn’t for everyone it wasn’t for me I hated it and I never really used it too much in my training routines might work for you but if it doesn’t don’t sweat it mix your sessions up and try and work your body in a different way this could mean doing different sort of efforts or if you simply mean riding a different way to work up a different Hill high-intensity efforts aren’t a magic bullet but for many of us who are time constrained we just simply don’t have the time to ride five or six hours every single day so if you do find yourself a limited on time try adding in some more intense efforts into your training lines a good one I always used to do it was 30 seconds sprinting in the seat 30 seconds easy repeated four times and add in more reps as you gain fitness there’s plenty more shorter intense workouts on the gcn channel if you want to dive into those in more detail incorporate some tempo efforts into your training using the Arabic system at the top end of its capacity you’ll more bang for your buck petite at the Arabic system faster you could do this on a social ride but getting your buddies to do a couple of blocks of through and off rotating on the front this is a great way to up the pace and get some achievable goals out to the right so I hope this video has helped you to understand how to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way just remember if things aren’t working just back off and reassess and remember to consider your physical as well as your mental health weight is a small part of a vast array of elements that are all linked to your cycling performance I really do need to emphasize really do do not get too bogged down about losing weight as a cyclist is all about being able to enjoy cycling as part of a healthy lifestyle we’d love to know what you thought of this videos and if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below thanks for watching thank you for watching everyone [Music] [Music]

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