Category Archives: Guides

Lose Weight Naturally at Home | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Namaskar. Weight loss is not a trend but a necessity in the recent growing obesity period. Some tips to reduce weight are first herbs that can help Triphala Brahmi, Garcinia Cambogia, Kudampuli, or Malabar tamarind. These are a few such medicinal plants that would help reduce excess weight. Triphala could be taken between two meals…

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Ozempic is a game-changer. Here’s how it works.

This is an Ozempic. It’s a drug approved by the FDA to manage type 2 diabetes. Maybe you’ve heard the jingle. [singing] “Oh, oh, oh Ozempic.” Or maybe you’ve seen Ozempic in the news recently for another reason. [overlapping] “Weight loss…” “… weight loss…” “Easy weight loss.” “Miracle Diet Drug.” “Miracle weight loss drug.” And…

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Is it possible to lose weight fast? – Hei Man Chan

  In the wealthiest circles of Victorian England, bizarre fads ran rampant. But perhaps none was as strange as the tapeworm diet, in which dieters swallowed an unhatched tapeworm and let it grow inside them by consuming undigested meals. This is an exceptionally dangerous and unhealthy way to manage your weight. However, while modern fad…

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The Weight Loss Program That Got Better with Time

  “The Weight Loss Program That Got Better with Time” The CHIP program may be the most well-published community-based lifestyle intervention in the medical literature, and one of the most effective with clinical changes approaching that achieved in live-in residential lifestyle programs. Encouraging people to transition towards a more whole food plant-based diet achieved blood…

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