Abdominal Exercise after Hysterectomy to REDUCE BELLY FAT | PHYSIO Guided 10 MINUTE Home Routine

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Increased belly fat is a really common problem
that many women experience after a hysterectomy and it’s frustrating to know how to get
rid of it. Hi, I’m Michelle, and today I’m going to take you through a short routine to help you tone
this area here after your hysterectomy. Now we’re going to get straight into the routine and at the
end of the routine, I’m going to share with you two really important points about losing abdominal
fat after your hysterectomy so you might want to stay with me till then or use the time stamps
down below and you can flick through to that as well if you’d like too.

So let’s get started
with the exercises that we’re going to start with.   You can either be lying on a firm mattress on your
bed or if you feel comfortable lying on the ground then you can do so too. I’m going to lie on the
bed here for this demonstration.   I’m also going to get you to use a little
pillow to support your head and neck and I’m wearing socks for these exercises
so that I can slide my heels up and down so that’s the sort of thing that you might need
to get ready to prepare for this routine. So let’s get started with our exercises now come down
onto your bed or the floor remember coming down safely lying on your side and then rolling
over onto your back and you can lift your bottom quite safely after your hysterectomy that won’t
hurt your tummy. So what we’re going to start with is a pelvic tilt.

So we’re going to arch the
back and then flatten the back down into the mat and this should feel okay to do after your
surgery. Arching it just takes a bit of tension out of the lower back and back and one more time
lifting. Now coming back to the midway position that is the best position to start to work
these lower abdominal muscles so I want you to bring your fingers up onto your pelvic bones
there and we’re going to contract those muscles and the way you do that is by imagining you’re
drawing your fingers together that way and drawing tensing in this lower abdominal area.
So see if you can tense that area very gently.   You might feel your pelvic floor muscles contract
at the same time and hold and breathe for one,   two, three, four, five, and relax. Could you feel
that lower abdominal area contract? If you’re not sure you can check my video above which
details this and it goes into much more detail on this so that I don’t take the time for
this routine going through that particular basic exercise.

Let’s do that again so fingers up and
very very gently engaging the lower abdomen so you’re tensing just gently drawing those bones
imagining drawing those bones together and you’ll feel that lower abdominal wall just tighten
gently. Holding for one, two keep breathing three,   four, five, and relax down slowly if you need
to take a break at any time you can do your pelvic tilts forward and back and forward and back
through this routine. So let’s get started. We’re   going to start with a heel slide exercise and
I’ll show you an alternative progression if you’d like to make it a little harder. So our basic heel
slides his fingers again on the pelvis, contracting your tummy muscles and sliding your leg down along
the bed, but you’ve got to keep your pelvis stable so don’t let your back arch. Bring the leg
back through and relax. It’s not as easy as it looks.

If you want to make that a little bit more
challenging, you can take the leg along the ground and back. I’ll leave that to you at home to
decide. So let’s go, right leg tummy muscles are engaged. Let’s slide the leg down,
and you can see why I’m wearing socks.   Makes the exercise a whole lot easier on the bed
or the ground and brings it back and relaxing.   All right, another side now, engaging the lower
tummy muscles and sliding down. Keep your back stable, try not to arch and this is the case of
the slower the better.

We’re about control here,   getting control back in these lower tummy
muscles and relaxing. Have a little tilt,   pressure out of your back, and let’s go again.
Tummy muscles are engaged, sliding down or you might be extending your leg above the
ground if you feel a little bit more advanced,   and coming back up and you can see I’m not
taking my legs right down, you don’t need to.   You’ll find that as you improve we’re going to
the other side, you’ll find that as you improve you can probably extend your leg a little
bit further without your pelvis tilting and bring the leg back up and let’s do
a pelvic tilt. Flatten out and back,   and one more time.

That should feel good on
your lower back. Alright here’s our next exercise again, your tummy muscles are gently contracted, you
can use your fingers here if you need to.   We’re going to do a leg raise and as you do that
I want you to try not to flatten your back out but keep your tummy muscles on. Here we go, so
tummy muscles are engaged you’re in that midway position. Let’s go, a little lift up and take
it down. It’s a bit like marching. Another side,   see if you can keep the tummy muscles on. Lift
and take it down and have a breather. How did you go with that? Alright, I hope! You’re feeling that
lower wall just tensing and this area here staying relaxed. Let’s do another one of those. Tummy
muscles are ready and go. Engage, let’s lift and slow down.

I’ve got to slow myself down
with these. And the other side, lifting slowly and slowly down. Don’t let your back arch
and relax. Let’s see if we can do one more of these. At home, if you’d like to do
more after the video that’s fine, or if you need to take a break, do some pelvic tilts. Okay
here’s our last one. Tummy muscles are on,   let’s lift and take it down, and on the other side
let’s lift and take it down and relax. And here are our pelvic tilts flattening out. So we’ve
got one more exercise to go through before we go through some key points to watch out for or
to attend to for belly fat loss. So here’s our last one. You can lift your leg off the ground
and take your leg out to the side just slightly and back up and down. It’s a bit fancy, isn’t
it! If that’s too hard for you at the moment you can just take the knee out to the side
and back and imagine you’ve got a ruler laying along your pelvis and you’re trying to
keep it level.

So you don’t want your pelvis rolling. You’re keeping that ruler level because
these tummy muscles here are what’s stopping that rotation from happening. They’re your
stabilizers and this is how you strengthen them.   So tummy muscles are on. You can lift the leg, you can take the knee out to the side,   and back up and down slowly. On another side, lift the
leg, take the leg out and I’m imagining I’ve got a glass of water on my knee there balancing
it, not moving my pelvis and relaxing down and a   pelvic tilt. Let’s see if we can do one more of
those at home.

Okay here we go, so lifting, your leg out to the side doesn’t need to go far does
it before you start to roll, back up and down.   And here’s our last one on the other side,
tense your abdominal muscles just gently try to keep breathing, out to
the side just a little way.   I’m going to do some practice on these. Lifting
back up and taking it down and pelvic tilt down and back and down and back. Now you might
like just to take a moment lying where you are while I go through those key points. If you’re
coming up, safely come up by rolling onto your side after your hysterectomy and pushing up
sideways and that won’t strain your tummy.   Now the two key things that I’d like to go
through with you are first of all the myth about abdominal exercises reducing tummy fat,
they won’t.

Unfortunately, you can’t spot reduced fat from any part of your body apart from
surgically. So if you’re doing lots of exercises like this, it’s not going to make you
lose fat from that area but you can tone that area which is what we were just doing then. So forget
the myth about doing intense core exercises,   particularly abdominal exercises that are
intense because they’re going to push everything down after your hysterectomy,
which is exactly why we didn’t do any intense abdominal exercises there. The second thing is to
think about your diet and your exercise combined.   So it takes a lot of exercises to burn up

So if you try to reduce belly fat,   you’ll reduce all over body fat by
watching what you eat and drink and also performing some low-impact exercises. And some of
the best exercises to do after your hysterectomy are exercises that use your big leg muscles like
walking and cycling you might like to refer to my video above that talks about belly fat
reduction exercises on the bike and they might be something to work towards as well. So I
hope you enjoy this little routine today. If you have, you can like it below because then
YouTube will recommend it to other women to watch as well. Thanks so much for watching today. I
look forward to seeing you next time. Bye for now.

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