Dietitian Reviews Popular OZEMPIC Diet What I eat In a Day (Harmful or Helpful?!)
This is why OIC can be a slippery [Music] slope hey everyone I’m Abby sharp welcome to aby’s Kitchen today I’m going to be looking at the Tik Tok trend of OIC users posting their what I in a day and I’m going to be reviewing The Good The Bad
and The possibly super dangerous we’re going to go back to Old School aby’s kitchen review days so heads up here I will be mentioning calories and also very low calorie diets and if you’re not subscribed definitely hit that subscribe button and check out my description for my
free Hunger crushing combo ebook Okay so I have talked a lot about OIC on my channel including chronicling a real life Journey with my friend and manager Ginger and aside from the risk of abuse one of the main physical health concerns that experts have with OIC is the risk of actual
malnutrition nurition so glb1 agonists work by suppressing appetite and reducing the rate at which food exits the stomach so that alone can result in some significant weight loss but they also can cause a lot of severe nausea which can further reduce people’s desire to eat so the risk
here is that folks might end up being put on too aggressive of a dose the drug may actually work too well patients eat far too little they lose weight way too fast including metabolic muscle mass and they actually become Mal nourished now we don’t have a lot of research on the likelihood
of malnutrition but the New York Times recently reported on the concerns of weight loss doctors that in some cases the drug can take dieting way too far ultimately weight loss always comes down to a calorie deficit and while zic makes staying in a calorie deficit a lot easier because your
hunger cues are suppressed you still actually need to make sure that you’re meeting your basic nutrition needs even if the cues are no longer there there so safe effective weight loss rates are generally around5 to 1% of body weight per week likely at the higher end when on OIC but
this equates to around a 20% calorie deficit give or take which is a safe cut to prevent a good chunk of that weight coming from lean body mass like muscle or bone now this is what we recommend with any non-pharma weight loss diet but a lot of folks on OIC will push that deficit much much
further and that explains means one stud’s finding that within a year of oepic treatment participants lost almost as much lean mass as they did Fat MK I spoke with a number of my colleagues who work with oepic patients plus Eric Williamson of unlocked Fitness and Nutrition and most said that
they try not to go below 14 to 1500 calories while ultimately prioritizing protein at every single meal plus snacks re suggest that fat loss can increase threefold when going from 10 to 15% of calories from protein to around 20 to 30% and the greater the deficit the more protein that you’re
going to need to stimulate muscle synthesis so some of my colleagues actually suggest that when calories get very low their clients are aiming for around 30 to 40% of calories from protein so to put that into perspective for you guys if you are consuming 1,400 calories on OIC you’re aiming
for 105 to 140 gram of protein per day spread out in 20 35 G doses throughout the day to maximize muscle preservation all that said one of the nice things about OIC is that you don’t have to obsess about calories anymore so I wouldn’t recommend counting and tracking everything you
put into your mouth but rather simply focusing on hitting those protein goals give or take complimenting that protein with moderate portions of fiber carbs and fat and letting your appetite guide the rest on that note let’s take a look at some EX examples of what iena day on OIC videos
[Music] online okay first of all lemon water does not boost your immune system just want to get that out of the way but second the protein shake is a really great start
but 130 calories or so for breakfast with no fruits or veg is kind kind of a missed opportunity to sneak in extra fiber and antioxidants also in the next few months I may or may not have a better tasting recommendation for you just
saying okay this meal looks super balanced we got tons of protein in The Omelette healthy fats and fiber in the avocado and fiber carbs in the whole grain toast that said she probably only got around 15 g of protein just based on how much she ate so to bump
that up I would consider doing my omelettes with one to two whole eggs and the rest egg [Music] whites okay this looks so delicious and I love that ozenc has helped her find a way to enjoy rice
in moderation I also love that she did one roll with rice and the other one with cucumber which helps to contribute a little more antioxidants and fiber that said without knowing anything about this woman’s metabolic needs I would say this is likely too aggressive of a cut to meet
overall nutrient needs which makes it really really hard to meet your protein needs because the calories were probably in the neighborhood of like 1,00 were’re only able to get around 50 g of protein team we ideally would want at least two or even three times that amount so this is where
I would be cautiously working with my doctor to adjust the dose to ensure that we can reach that goldilock spot where your appetite allows you to achieve that 20 to 25% calorie deficit while still being adequate enough to not become malnourished okay moving on here’s what I eat in
a day 107 lbs down with PCOS so I start off my day every day now with these Mighty turmeric and no joke Ginger from Trader Joe’s of course a Chobani complete 20 g of protein and then I was feeling a little off yesterday so I had half looks amazing I mean I’m not sure what the purpose of the spicy
shots are for maybe for digestion and or immune support I don’t know but regardless I love that we’ve got some Fiber here and we’ve got a solid 20 something dose of protein to start the day I had some chicken te p marala with spinach and rice 42 G Core Power always this is my kind of
meal here I mean people think you can’t have rice if you have PCOS or insulin resistance but no you just got to dress up those naked carbs like she did with protein fiber and fat now I’m not sure if the protein shake was served with the chicken masala but if she could space it out a few hours
and have it as a snack it would increase the utilization of that protein for muscle protein synthesis since there’s already like a fully utilized load with the chicken and then dinner was this delicious zucchini and cotia chicken these jalapeno poppers that my friend made that look
like mummies 10 out of 10 had my Stanley snack tray and enjoyed a few like I said glasses of wine again amazing and totally non-restrictive it seems like this creator has found like her goldilock dose where she can lose or maintain her significant weight loss while still meeting her
nutrient needs I’m estimating around 150 gram of protein give or take depending on how much she ate so I would not be particularly worried about malnutrition or muscle wasting with an oepic diet like this and now I like really want a mummy wrapped jalapeno popper okay
[Music] next [Music] okay looks good though would probably be ideal to add some produce to this meal to bump up the fiber but protein looks great there’s probably around 25 to 40 grams of
protein depending on how much collagen she added though FYI collagen protein isn’t the most bioavailable protein since it’s missing tryptophan but thankfully the eggs and the turkey bacon helped compensate for that so this looks good hey that’s pretty [Music] good
another great example of a full protein dose for muscle preservation with around 30 gr of [Music] protein okay so we got 24 g of protein plus some carbs and like a tiny tiny tiny bit of EG but Pro tip if you like these kind of microwave meals Chuck a few big handfuls
of spinach into a bowl before you microwave just to get in some extra fiber and [Music] micronutrients okay so I’m not sure how these snacks are like spaced out in her day but ideally we give at least 2 hours between protein doses I’m going to call them so like she could
do the protein water and the built bar as one meal and the fake bar and the premier protein shake as another that said even if you don’t it’s not like that protein just gets lost or immediately turns into fat when you are still in a calorie deficit I’m just talking optimal
scenario considering the risk of muscle loss on OIC so yeah there’s a lot of protein here maybe 150 gr even but because virtually all the foods are Ultra processed protein snacks that protein is kind of coming in at the expense of basically everything else we’re lacking fiber there’s
virtually no healthy fats and there’s probably a lot of additives sodium and artificial sweeteners which may be totally fine in the short run but probably not so easy on the gut long term that said a lot of folks need to lean on convenience Foods while on OIC because when your appetite is
so suppressed you kind of lack the inspiration to cook for yourself food really does become just fuel for some folks so feeding yourself just like a bunch of protein shakes or bars rather than cooking a whole food meal may actually be a true Act of self-care so like I said I would just try
to meet her where she is with a few little simple tweaks like the spinach hack just to sneak in some extra micronutrients and fiber without adding a lot more worker stress and on that note whether you’re on OIC or really any other weight loss journey I do hope this serves as a good reminder
that less is not necessarily more even if your hunger cues are unnaturally low on o senic we still need to make the effort to meet our nutrient needs both our macros and our micros plus other beneficial compounds like fiber and probiotics and failing to do so will likely cause way more harm
than good and that’s all that I have for you guys today if you like this video be sure to give it the thumbs up leave me a comment below and I will see you next time on Abby’s kitchen [Music] bye