Glimpses of a Powerful Mystical Process – Yogeshwar Linga Consecration at Sadhguru Sannidhi

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it's quite insane to try to do a process like this with so many people consecration is an effort to encapsulate that energy that source which generally is referred to as a divine naturally it draws people's attention and creates a possibility for not only an experience but enhancement and empowerment of life even if they don't understand mentally something will happen [Music] my mother [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is yogeshwara so what is it that we are trying to do in the form of consecration something larger than yourself something which is the basis of your existence keeps this going [Music] intelligence in some way is encapsulated in you so now consecration effort to encapsulate that energy in a more enduring form things right now what we have is mercury which is nearly 14 times specific gravity of water that means 14 times heavier and thicker than water foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it's quite insane to try to do a process like this with so many people interesting you are not here as a spectator I want you to be a part of the process [Music] you're literally chanting paying your attention building a farm in front of you the idea is if you keep your hands like this you're approximately 17 to 20 to 21 inches from your agna [Music] this is the place where your Akash is to your drawing a form in the Akash gradually it will manifest itself you must keep the pump [Music] love so it is not just a psychological effort to pinpoint a place it's an energetic effort [Music] so that it naturally gets focused and naturally it draws people's attention and creates a possibility for not only an experience but enhancement and empowerment of Life yoga means Union you know yoga also means ultimate empowerment if you are in Union with everything it is a tremendous empowerment [Music] good food [Music] again [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] I think this day really changed me and in the future I think I will be able to tell what exactly happened here from now it's I think a mystery only the Creator knows I can't say in words like how grateful I am for a being like a guru and I live in his time I breathe the same air as him [Music] [Music] baby [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's my eyes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]

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