Summer Weight Loss Diet Plan | Lose Weight Fast In Hindi | Lose 10 Kgs In 10 Days | Dr.Shikha Singh
Uff again summer has came In winters everything was hidden in jackets and sweaters Now what should I do Whole winter has gone thinking That I will become fit in winters and show But it could not be done It is not my fault Everyone is like that only in my house They don't let me do diet Sometimes it is someone's birthday Sometimes someone's anniversary comes And they do so many parties That don't ask about that It is their fault only This winters I have attended so many weddings What should I do My social circle is so big Mummy I am on diet Beta leave diet You will get weakness You will not be able to do studies Mummy weakness? I am of 110 kgs You are fit or overweight? Overweight What is to be done then? I have to do diet what else From when will you start? From tomorrow Listen I am not looking too fat No will able to know Believe you can and you're halfway there If you have thought I you have decided That you want to do weight loss You want to be fit You want to improve your health Then there is nothing in this world That can stop you Then difficulties of your life And problem will not be seen You will see Opportunities Ways, through which You can along with your problems and difficulties also Can do weight loss And can reach on your target weight Then what you have to do Just follow my diet plan And move towards fitness You have to keep on doing your weight loss And you have to keep on making your body healthy Welcome back to my channel guys I am Dr.
Shikha And today I have bought for you Summer weight loss diet plan Before starting the diet plan One very important thing First of all thank you very much to all of you Thank you For liking my video so much To give me so much love To see all my videos And liking them And commenting below them Guy you all Who, from your busy schedule Taking out time Without any benefit Comment below my video and tell me That you all have lost so much weight How much benefit you all are getting from my videos How much your health has improved Thanks a lot for all those things If you have came to my channel for the first time If you are new Then guys quickly Subscribe my channel Because my YouTube family Who is connected with me from so much time Who are using my videos Doing such good weight loss Is improving their health And are becoming fit You also quickly subscribe my channel And be part of my family Join with us And you also do your weight loss Be fit and Make yourself healthy So guys if you Below any of my video Read comments Then you will know by yourself That my YouTube family Is so happy By joining our channel They are becoming fit And are doing so good weight loss And you can also do You just subscribe my channel See my videos And keep on following All those things that I am telling you You will also do your amazing weight loss And you will be fit According to me Summer is best season to lose weight First of all Our dressing changes Winter jackets, sweaters Are removed And we come in half sleeves and t-shirts So we can see our flab And then we start focusing on that And we do something That we can do weight loss Second thing is that our water intake Increases We start taking more liquid Because it is hot season We have to be hydrated So due to that also Our appetite reduces And we don't do overeating we don't get that much cravings of junk And we automatically We do our weight loss And we become more fit So guys this Is the best season Utilize it very well And quickly do your weight loss And before ending of summer season You become fit and come Do weight loss and come And then people will by themselves Come to you and ask you What you have done That you have done so much weight loss And you are now completely fit So guys we will start Today's diet plan First of all I want to tell some important things Which if you will follow with my diet plan Then you will get more benefits And your weight loss Will be very effective And will be done very quickly You will follow my diet plan These 4-5 things which I am telling you They are very important Definitely follow them also Don't take them lightly Because they are very important And will help you in doing amazing weight loss Most important thing is that That with any of my diet plan You definitely have to take 8 hours sleep You are taking 7-8 hours of sleep If you are giving proper rest to your body Then your body will do weight loss quickly And your weight loss will be very effective Second thing is that In whole day at least 3.5 to 4 liters of water you have to definitely drink in summer And in this your morning drink Night drink Your evening tea All that is included What you have to do That if you don't remember to Drink water Then set manual reminders in your phone If after every 1 hour alarm will ring in your phone Then you will get an reminder That you have to drink 1 glass of water So due to that you will never forget That I did not drink water in this hour This is a very effective way Because I myself follow this Sometimes you are very busy So you don't remember the whole day To drink water But alarms are ringing in your phone If you are getting reminder Then you will automatically remember That I have to drink 1 glass of water And whatever work you are doing Quickly leave that And drink 1 glass water I will tell you one more trick What you can do That as soon as you wake up in the morning Keep 3-4 bottles of 1 litre filled And keep it in front of you If bottles will be in front of your eyes Then you will be able to track That I have drank this much water from morning till now And this much water is remaining So till night I have to complete this much water So you will be able to very easily track And trust me your Water intake will increase And you will automatically 3.5-4 litres of water you will finish in the whole day And then see You will get so good weight loss Third thing is that You don't have to take stress I know now a days stress is there in everyone's life The work is very stressful Studies are there There is so much stress of house But what we can we do Weight loss will not happen along with that So try That you manage your stress level a bit When you are doing over thinking Then distract your mind So that you will get a very good weight loss One more important thing About which you have to be careful Is that You have to check your weight daily As soon as you wake up in the morning After using the washroom first If you will check your weight daily Then you will be motivated a lot Your mind will daily get an reminder That you are doing weight loss You are on a diet So you have to follow diet very properly The whole day Because when you will wake up And you see daily That your weight loss is happening On weighing scale Then you will get a lot of motivation But if some days you weight loss Is not even happening Then you don't have to be demotivated You have to think that What mistake I have done yesterday Which I don't have to repeat today Due to which My weight loss will be very good So guys all these 4 things Follow with your diet plan And then see You will get so good results When you will start following diet plan Then wake up on time in the morning Wake up at around 6-6:30 If you will sleep around 10-10:30 in the night Then it will be very easy for you to wake up at 6-6:30 And then you will see that You will get very amazing results So wake up on time in the morning Use washroom And first of all check your weight And after that You take your morning drink Which is very important Along with any diet plan It will speed up your weight loss And your weight loss is very effective With summer diet plan The morning drink that I am giving you Which will keep you very cool for the whole day It will not let constipation come And it will give you many health benefits That is our jeera water How we have to prepare it Come into my kitchen I will tell you This is our simple and quick weight loss drink We have to fill 1 glass of water This is room temperature water Over here you don't have to take hot water Now I am adding 1 teaspoon jeera in it Which means cumin seeds And we have to mix it properly Now we will cover it and leave it overnight And we will prepare it in the morning We had kept it overnight We will check it next morning The jeera extract has very well came into the water Now we will grind this Now I have taken a mixer grinder jar The jeera water that we had soaked and kept That I have added into the grinder jar And we have to grind it very well Now we will close the lid And we will blend blend blend it We have properly blended it And see the colour also has came so properly And it is blended so well Our cumin seeds And this is our jeera water This is very amazing For summer specially It will keep you cool cool We will add some lemon into it We have to add around 4-5 drops Not more than that If lemon does not suit you Then you can also skip this You can drink it as it is You don't have to strain it at all You don't have to sieve it at all This is fiber rich If you are having problem of constipation The it will help you very well It is very amazing for weight loss It will help you staying full for a long time You will not have a lot cravings It will help you a lot in weight loss It will give you inch loss It is very good for digestion If you have problem of gas and bloating It will relieve you from that also It is am amazing weight loss drink With so many health benefits It will help you a lot If you want to do weight loss You want to do inch loss And it will give you very amazing health benefits also You should definitely try this and see So guys this is our morning drink This morning drink is very amazing It will keep you cool in summer It will not let constipation come Because cumin seed Is fiber rich And lemon also contains pectin fiber Which will not let constipation come You will get very full feeling After taking this morning drink And you will not have a lot cravings And you will not feel unnecessary hungry It has very good antioxidants This morning drink is vitamins rich So in the morning when our start will be like this Then our whole day will go very good After that comes the turn of our breakfast You definitely have your breakfast around 8-8:30 Don't do it late at all Because if you will do your breakfast late Then you start becoming low in energy Your efficiency reduces And our whole day goes very dull It goes low in energy So you have your breakfast on time And that will also give you very effective weight loss In breakfast, I am giving you in summer diet plan Is our jowar paratha First of all we will go into my kitchen Se we will see how do I prepare my jowar paratha We are making Jowar paratha I have taken fresh cauliflower over here I have added 1 spoon oil in a pan I am adding chopped onions in it I have grated cauliflower Now I am adding salt over here Some chopped green chillies Red chilli powder We will mix it properly And we will saute it a bit Now we will knead dough for our paratha I have taken over here half cup besan or gram flour And I have taken half cup jowar flour Or Sorghum flour Now I am adding some jeera which means cumin seeds Some carom seeds or ajwain Some flax seeds And the cauliflower that we had prepared Stuffing we will add it And we will mix it properly Now we will add some lukewarm water And you will knead your dough And we will prepare a soft dough Now our dough is absolutely ready Now we will make a small ball of it We will make our roti or paratha In the same way as you make normal roti or paratha We will roll it And we will roast it on the pan We will cook it properly from both sides Our paratha is ready We will not apply oil or ghee on the pan We will serve it in the plate And we will apply desi ghee on it Don't skip this at all You can have such 1-2 paratha With any vegetable Or with any chutney Or with raita And they are very delicious They are very amazing You can stuff any seasonal vegetable into it This is very superb For weight loss And these are protein rich So guys this was our jowar paratha In the morning if we get 1-2 paratha Then our whole day will be very nice We will have so heavy breakfast in the morning Then you will not feel the whole day That we are on diet So you can have 1-2 jowar paratha in your breakfast And jowar is Summer grain It is a very cool grain And it is very good for you in the summer It is high in fiber It has a lot of nutrients And it will help you a lot in weight loss On my channel There are 5 jowar recipes If you don't want to have paratha Then daily you can change And you can have anyone recipe from this All are very tasty If you don't get jowar Where we stay jowar is not available over there Or we do not like its taste Then no problem On my channel there is 7 roti/paratha recipe You can have any partha from this According to your taste Or whatever grain is available in you area easily According to that You can have any 1-2 paratha from this Change it and have it daily in your breakfast We don't have that much time That we make paratha in the morning We are very busy housewife Or we are working We don't have time at all We don't know how to prepare roti/paratha Then no problem On my channel There is recipe of sandwiches They are very tasty sandwiches They are prepared very quickly And anyone can make it So you can have this By changing them You can have any 1 sandwich in your breakfast 2-4 slices You can have of this also We don't like eating anything hot in the morning We want something cold Because it is summer season Then on my channel There is recipe of overnight oats You can have that It is very tasty It will keep you full for very long And if like to eat sweet and cold Then you will like this very much All these breakfast options which I have given you So many Whole summer you can change them and use it Because in India summer are very long And they go on for very long time I have given you so many options that You will not get bored at all You will be very full And you will also get amazing weight loss With this 1 cup milk or half cup curd You should definitely have in your breakfast It is the best time To include any one thing from both of this in your meal Or if you have habit of tea or coffee Then you can take that also With this You can have 1 cup tea or coffee But in that don't add sugar, jaggery or honey If you want you can add stevia in it But if you like tasteless tea Then nothing like that You can have that also with it So this is our breakfast Which you definitely complete till 8-8:30 And don't skip your breakfast at all Because if you will skip your breakfast Then your weight loss will not be good And your whole day Will not be good at all You will feel low in energy So don't skip your breakfast at all After this come the turn of mid morning snack Mid morning snack is Very important with any diet plan Because if you will have your mid morning snack Then first your metabolism will be fast Because if after some time You will keep on eating something Then your body will keep on working It will be active And your metabolism will also be fast Second thing is that You will not feel very hungry in lunch And you will not overeat your lunch So your weight loss will be very nice Third thing is that If there will not be long gaps between your meals Then you will not have problems like acidity, gas , bloating So you should include mid morning snack And at this time I always give you a fruit And fruit of any season Which is easily available in your country and area You can have it at this time Fruits have amazing antioxidants and vitamins Which are very healthy for you body So don't take juice If you are taking juice Then it contains a lot of sugar Which gives you weight gain And it also does not have any fiber So if you are taking fruit Then you will get all the nutrients of fruit And you will also get fiber So you will have a good weight loss And you will not get too much calories And you will also get many nutrients So you should 1 fruit at this time in your diet So you had mid morning snack around 10-10:30 After that comes the turn of our lunch Which you will have around between 1-2 Take your lunch also on time I will tell you quick options Which will be prepared quickly and You will also eat them in 5-10 minutes So you don't have any excuse To delay your lunch Because it you are delaying your lunch timings Then you will have all that problems only That you will overeat you next meal You will have more cravings You will have problem of acidity and bloating And weight loss will also not be done So try To have your lunch between 1-2 only The option which I am giving you in lunch That is cold Cool for our summer That is our cold coffee How we have to prepare it Come into my kitchen I will tell you First of all I have kept a pan on the gas I am oats into it We will roast the oats a bit We will keep on stirring it And gas will on low to medium flame Otherwise our oats can get burnt In this way you Can roast oasts Keep it in airtight jar in fridge And it can stay upto 1 week to 10 days very easily So I roast my oats together and keep them In airtight jar And whenever I want to make any recipe of oats Then I make it So now oats are slight brown They are roasted And a very good aroma is coming from them Now I have taken a blender jar And I am taking 1/4 cup roasted instant oats You can also use rolled oats over here Now I have added it to the blender jar Now I am taking half teaspoon coffee powder You can adjust it according to your taste I am taking half teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder Or chocolate powder Now I am taking 2 dried dates which means khajur I have removed the seeds And I had soaked it and kept it in hot water For around 15 minutes Now I will add water into it I am adding around 250 ml water In blender jar Now we will close its lid And we will blend blend blend it Now we have blended all the things very well And our cold coffee is ready See so thick and creamy coffee is prepared And it has such a beautiful colour It is very tasty It is very amazing And the best thing about this is that We have not used dairy in this We have not used normal milk in it So if you have PCOD, PCOS problem Then you can use it very easily And if you are lactose intolerant Then also you can use it You have it cold and chilled It will refresh you a lot If you like coffee Then you will find this to be very amazing It will give fantastic weight loss Along with that it is a very quick recipe Anyone can make it And if you don't have a lot of time for cooking It takes only 5 minutes If you don't have access to kitchen You are staying in hostel or PG Or if you don't know cooking If you don't have a lot of time for cooking You can have this in your meal It will give you amazing weight loss And it is also very tasty You should definitely try this Today only So guys this was our cool cold coffee recipe Which I am sure you will like it very much in this summer It will keep you very cool If you are having PCOD, PCOS or thyroid problem Then also you can use it Even if you don't have any problem Then also you can use this I will make you cool And it will also keep you full for long time So this is our lunch option If you don't want to take this And if you feel like taking something else Then on my channel there is 7 oats smoothie recipe You can include that also In your lunch Or on my channel There is 7 coffee recipe If you are coffee lovers Then you will like all these recipes very much You can change them and use them in your lunch These all recipes are prepared in 5 minutes And you can also easily carry it and take In a thermos or jar at your workplace And it will take 5-10 minutes Your lunch will also be done So you can include this If you want to take something hot In your lunch If you don't like smoothies and coffee Then you can take a full bowl of dal On my channel there is 7 different dal recipe Which are protein rich It will keep you full for very long time They are fiber rich And if you want to have something hot Then you can have this You can have any 1 dal in your lunch You can change them and have it It will give you very amazing weight loss If you don't want to take this Then on my channel there is protein salad recipe This, if you are a bit more hungry Then this will make you full very well It will keep you full properly It is protein rich And it is also very tasty It will give you amazing weight loss So you can have 1 full bowl of this You are using any recipe from this Then always remember 1 thing That 1 big bowl salad You have definitely include in your lunch With this So in salad any veggies Which is available at your home You can use it And make a good salad You definitely eat with your lunch Because this will not let constipation come It will keep you full It will give you very good skin It will give you very nice hairs And it is also very good for health So you should definitely include this You just have to careful You don't have to add salt in it Just add pepper and lemon 1 big bowl salad You definitely include in your lunch You did your lunch on time Between 1-2 After that you will also feel hungry in the evening So that small hunger we have Of evening For that also I have bought a very amazing thing Cool and chilled So in the evening When we have a small hunger At that time we will have green tea But not hot Our chilled green tea How we have to make it Come into my kitchen I will tell you We are making lemon and mint green tea First of all I have taken water in a pan And I kept pan on the gas First of all we will add 1 tea bag into it So we will cut the thread And our tea bag goes into the pan Now we will cover it with a lid We will leave it To get boiled Now our water is boiled We will switch off the gas over here And we will let it cool down And meanwhile We will make our jar ready I have taken 1 jar Now I am adding ice cubes in it To make our chilled green tea I am adding some mint leaves means pudina leaves Now we will add in this thin slices of lemon I have cutted them and kept If you want you can also squeeze lemon into it You can also add lemon juice in it Now this is our green tea Which have cooled down We will pour it into the jar And in just 2 minutes Our lemon and mint Green tea is absolutely ready To drink It is chilled and refreshing green tea We will decorate it a bit And this is looking so beautiful Guys this is very refreshing You can drink this at the time of evening tea Or you can have it at the time of mid morning also Scorching heat of summer This is the best remedy for it And we can drink green tea like this also Had you ever thought? It tastes very amazing It will refresh you a lot It will make you energetic When are tired in the evening After working the whole day You definitely try this It will give you a lot of energy And it will refresh you a lot And in summer also we can enjoy green tea In this way You should try this You will like it very much I am damn sure So around between 4-5 You have to take your green tea And that also cold and chilled It will keep you cool in whole summer If you don't want to take this Then on my channel there is 3 inch loss green tea recipe is there It will give you very amazing inch loss It will give you very amazing weight loss You can have any 1 green tea in your evening snack With this you can Have 1 handful roasted chana Or 1 handful roasted makhana you have to take But be careful that It should not contain salt at all So green tea and this small snack If you will take in evening Then you will not overeat your dinner Your metabolism will also be good And you will also not have problem of acidity So this is your evening snack After this comes our most important thing Of the whole diet Which is our dinner Which spoil our diet And also make our diet successful also If you have taken your dinner on time You have eaten healthy And did not overeat it Then your diet will be totally successful So our dinner You complete around 7 o'clock Try that you take your dinner and sit at 6:30 And before 7 o'clock you complete your dinner And after 7 o'clock You don't have to intake any salt in your diet So in dinner What I have brought for you in summer diet plan Is our mix veg How we have to make it Come into my kitchen I will tell you To make mix vegetables I have first of all kept a pan on the gas And I will add 1 spoon oil in it Just this much Now I am adding in this jeera which means cumin seeds Bay leaf which means tej patta Some chopped green chillies I am adding chopped ginger Some red chilli powder Some dhaniya powder which means coriander powder Turmeric powder which means haldi We will mix all these things properly We will cook and saute this a bit Now I am adding chopped onions We will cook this also properly And we will mix properly with all the spices Now I am adding chopped carrot over here Chopped beans Chopped cauliflower Chopped capsicum And I have taken these green peas Now we will mix all these things properly We will saute it a bit Now I am adding over here chopped tomato And we will add some salt in this Now I am adding some paneer If you have PCOD/PCOS problem Then you can skip paneer over here Now we will mix all these things properly And we will cook them We will saute them Whatever vegetables you have available at home You can use it over here Now we will cover it with a lid And we will let it cook for around 10 minutes 10 minutes are over We will remove the lid and check Our veggies are cooked very well We will add some garam masala And we will mix it And that simple That quick and that easy Our mix vegetables are cooked and ready I like them a bit crispy I don't cook it a lot And due to that our vitamins are also intact All the nutrients of vegetables are intact Now we will serve it Look at this Isn't it so colourful and beautiful So good colours Which are looking so nice to see That will be so tasty to eat And if you get such meal option When you are doing diet Then what to say Then you will not feel that You are doing diet Our all taste buds will be satisfied And along with that We will get amazing weight loss You should definitely try this It is very delicious So guys this is our tasty mix veg When I work so hard and make recipes Then the best thing I find is That you all comment and tell me That you find all my recipes very tasty And you don't feel that you are on a diet So this mix veg I have made it with a lot of hard work And you will like this very much I am damn sure It is very tasty You will not feel that You are on a diet And your weight loss will also be done So you have to take this in your dinner And with this 1 big bowl of salad You definitely have to include As we had eaten in lunch The same one We just don't have to add salt in it Whatever veggies you have available at home You can have it in salad And you can add pepper and lemon in it In your dinner With your mix veggie You can eat this And you will get amazing weight loss There are many people Who do job and come at home And they don't have time at all To prepare anything But weight loss is to done Diet is to be done So I will tell you a simple option If you cannot make this You can make this in the morning and keep it in the fridge And come and eat at night But if we don't have even that much time Then I am giving you a very simple and quick option That is our tomato smoothie It is very simple option It will be ready in 5 minutes You can take this in your dinner And if you don't want to eat this Want some change Then you can have papaya smoothie Recipe of this also is there on my channel already You can go and watch this You can take papaya smoothie In your dinner Or if you are non-vegetarian Then there is 3 egg recipe on my channel You can pick any 1 recipe And have it in your dinner It is protein rich And it also gives you amazing weight loss Or there are many chicken recipes on my channel If you are non-vegetarian Then you can include this also In your diet Any recipe is You can change it and have in your dinner All are protein rich They will give you amazing weight loss Or there is 5 dinner recipes on my channel You can pick any 1 thing You can have it in your dinner This will also give you a very good weight loss And all these are very quick recipes They are very tasty They will keep you full for very long time And they will also give you very good weight loss You can use any recipe from this And you do your amazing weight loss In this summer So now our dinner is done Try to finish it before 7 o'clock After that comes our night drink Don't skip this at all And in summer also You definitely have to take this Because if you will take night drink Then your metabolism will be fast Your weight loss will be very good And next day You will not have problem of constipation And if you will take this night drink and sleep Then you will get a very good sleep So in night drink what I am giving you in summer diet plan is Our rose tea How we have to prepare it Come into my kitchen I will tell you So we quickly make our super relaxing Rose tea First of all we have to heat a pan In that I am adding 1 and half glass of water Now I will add 2 spoon dried rose petals Which means dried rose petals If you don't have rose plant at home Then you can take it from market also It is available very easily So I have added 2 spoons Now in this I am adding 2 Elaichi Which means cardamom Now we will cover it with a lid And we will let it boil Until our 1 and a half glass water 1 glass is left Our water is boiled properly And all the extract Of our rose petals And of cardamom That has came into the water Now we will switch off the heat In whole house a very good aroma is coming This tea is very relaxing Now we will strain it We will sieve it It is having such a beautiful colour And very good smell is coming It will relax you And it will help in having an amazing weight loss It will detox your body very well If you cannot sleep at night Then you should try this It will relax you a lot And you will be able to sleep very well After drinking this Along with that It will also give an amazing glow to your skin And your hair quality Will also be improved So guys this is our relaxing and tasty Rose petal tea with a very good fragrance Take this in your night drink And then you see You will have such a good weight loss And you will get such a good sleep You will have this in your night drink around 9-9:30 And try that You go to sleep till 10-10:30 You want to do weight loss You want to do good weight loss Then you will have to follow my this advice That you sleep on time Try that at night you sleep on time You wake up on time in the morning And again on next day Follow my diet plan properly If all these things With timings You follow it properly Then 100% guaranteed You will have an amazing weight loss And after summer You will be very fit And summer is a very good time You have a very good opportunity Because we feel very thirsty And we intake a lot of fluid We don't feel hungry a lot We don't get a lot of cravings So do your diet quickly Do weight loss And quickly reach on your target weight or goal weight So then when you will be fit Your weight loss will be done Then people will by themselves come to you And will ask you That how have you done such amazing weight loss How did you do it What have you done Then you tell them about Dr.
Shikha Tell them about my channel And share with them You don't have to do weight loss alone Keep on spreading happiness Then only you will get more happiness So you tell them about my channel Share my video with them So that they also can do very good weight loss So if you liked my today's video If you found it to be useful If you found it to be beneficial Then don't go without giving it a thumbs up Quickly subscribe my channel If still you have not done Because you will get much benefit Such amazing diet plans And I will bring many recipes for you Which will improve your health And will help you doin your weight loss Definitely share my video friends and family Tell them also That in this summer how you have to weight loss So easily That you will not feel that You are on a diet And your weight loss will be done If you are on instagram Then definitely follow me over there Because over their I share with you Amazing transformation of many clients Pictures and their stories Which will motivate you a lot And you will also be able to do your weight loss So guys I will meet you again in my next video Till then stay tuned to my channel Bye for now