These Foods Have Natural Aspirin Without The Risk Of Bleeding!

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These foods contain aspirin eat daily to reduce  the heart attacks and cancer let’s talk about it   the use of aspirin has been shown to lower  anyone’s risk of having a heart attack and a   stroke and even a colorectal cancer nevertheless  it also increases someone’s risk of bleeding  
particularly gastrointestinal bleeding so  there is a fine balance there what if I   told you that there is a way to receive aspirin  without having to worry about causing bleeding   welcome aboard to Sugar MD Channel where I’m Dr  Reagan I’m a board certified internist and an  
endocrinologist I am here to educate  Enlighten and entertain some viewers   on all things health related mostly diabetes after  all good health is just as sweet as a spoonful of   sugar right let me put my physician hat on now  and let’s get exploring while there is a wealth  
of research available on the disease preventative  properties of aspirin there has been a recent   optic in interest in the possible health benefits  of salicylates that are obtained through diet   however it is essential to keep in mind that  the majority of plant products that have been  
shown to contain salicylic acid which is what is  an aspirin right or salicylates also typically   abundant sources of phenolic acids which are very  good for your body in the past the willow bark   for example were used to extract components  that were equivalent to aspirin but in 1899  
salicin was modified into a medication that  could be patented and was given the name aspirin   in the past gout and rheumatic fever were two  of the conditions that were treated with Aspirin   these days however aspirin is more commonly used  as an anti-clotting agent to prevent heart attacks  
and strokes and also a pain reliever every  year around 100 billion aspirin tablets are   manufactured these are millions of people who are  not aware that they may be actually even allergic   to salicylates so this is primarily due to the  fact that the foods in which it occurs naturally  
are not very comparable to aspirin aspirin is a  chemical known as salicylate you would never be   able to link a salicylate allergy to foods like  broccoli olives breath mints pistachios mushrooms   or even coffee because none of these things have  anything in common with another yet they all have  
you guessed it right salicylates which are  compounds that are comparable to aspirin   so no wonder it protect you from heart disease  all those things that I just said all the foods so   see if you experience an adverse  reaction to any of these meals  
or Foods it is possible that you have an allergic  salicylates they’re great for your health they’re   going to help you a lot with clotting and  as an anti-clotting food or anti-cancer food   but some of you are allergic to it there are  dozens of foods none of which are alike they  
contain salicylates there is a possibility that  you will experience headaches asthma wheezing   nausea diarrhea stomach upset itching rash  swelling of your hands feet you name it and   you may think that you’re saying that these foods  are healthy for me but I can’t take them I can eat  
them well maybe you think about you may have a  salicylate or aspirin allergy and all of these   symptoms can happen at the same time and you’ll  be wondering like what is going on I’m not even   on taking any medication why am I having so much  problems it is possible that your lips could swell  
and your throat can become itchy unpleasant or  swollen if you have salicylate or aspirin allergy   so if you experience these symptoms as well as  the others that I talked about you may have what   we call salicylate allergy caused by the aspirin  in the food you eat again it’s great if you don’t  
have allergy but if you have allergy to these  Foods you’re not in good luck now people who are   aware that they have an allergic to the aspirin  as if you know it but for sure then you should   still clear off the over-the-counter medications  that contain aspirin as well and some of the foods  
that we discussed some pain relievers for example  for menstrual cycle anti-acids sometimes they have   it and they may not say they have aspirin that  they may say in the label that they they have   salicylates or salicylic acid or stuff like that  they all mean the same thing it’s all derivatives  
of aspirin some cold and flu stuff that dupai  may have aspirin or derivatives in there   some teething gel for your babies remedies for  toothaches may have it even though you have an   allergy to aspirin though sometimes you know  some people have no problem with these Foods  
so you may say that look I have allergic  to aspirin but I can tolerate these Foods   that’s also possible so I’m not saying that  if you have aspirin allergy entirely eliminate   those Foods just pay attention to see if you  have similar problems with those Foods if you  
have allergic to salicylates or aspirin there’s  also a subgroup of people which may include you   who consume foods but again they experience  pain without understanding why and finally   some of you could see the benefits of aspirin but  you choose to get your salicylates from natural  
sources rather than using a pharmaceutical because  sometimes Pharmaceuticals are so strong that may   give you side effects versus Foods may not do  that so again let’s talk about the foods that   are rich in salicylates which will be of use to  each of you in a different way depending on which  
category you belong to in our discussion the day  will be made if you don’t have any allergies or   anything like that natural aspirin can be found  in the following Foods so it is I’ll talk to you   right now but also it’s important to note that  fruits and vegetables contain more salicylates  
when they’re not fully ripe so think about that  so if you’re eating things are fully ripe they   may use some of their salicylates now apples for  example apricots avocados blackberries blueberries   broccoli cantaloupe cauliflower cherries chili  peppers cucumbers currants dates dried herbs and  
spices we’ll talk about more on that later but  eggplant figs grapefruit grapes green peppers   guava kiwi licorice red chili powder paprika  and turmeric they contain a lot of salicylates   but cumin is about one percent aspirin by weight  interesting fact right eating is teaspoon of cumin  
is like taking a baby Aspirin because salicylic  acid is a defensive hormone that actually plants   produce the content of it is increased when plants  also get stressed what does it mean such as when   they’re attacked by bugs right it’s unlike the  pesticide Laden plants and the point of fact  
here is that it was shown that for example the  soups or anything like that are prepared with   Organic veggies they contained when they looked  into them roughly six times more salicylic acid   than the soups or Foods created using the same  things that are traditionally cultivated with  
all the pesticides although the same thing for I  think it’s true for coffee for example the organic   coffee will give you so much more benefit compared  to coffee that is produced in a non-organic way   so of course we should always go for the Whole  Foods if possible organic foods white bread has  
only eight phytochemicals but whole grain breads  which are rich in salicylic acid contain around 1   000 times as many phytochemicals compared to  white bread so you figure some of you again   we talked about this could be allergic to aspirin  but in reality it is extremely beneficial that are  
commonly found in Whole Foods so the natural plant  actually was used to make aspirin right it had an   acetyl group bonded to it in order to make it to  a medication so when they make a medication out   of a natural thing they always have to modify it  in one way or the other to increase its efficacy  
or potency Etc uh this acetyl group gives aspirin  it is characteristic the acetyl molecule on the   chemical now naturally occurring salicylates  are actually missing that acetyl group which   is the component that is typically responsible for  causing the reaction so the aspirin may actually  
itself as a medicine may cause more reaction more  allergies in you than the foods so I would say   increase those Foods in your diet today make  sure that you’re not allergic to those Foods   because of the salicylate component in them and if  you’re not you’re going to yourself a big favor to  
reduce the risk of heart attacks and Cancers thank  you for watching I will see you in the next video hey guys I hope you are enjoying this channel  so far and I hope you subscribed already if you   didn’t do it and if you did watch this video  right there I think that will help you too

Source : Youtube
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