Tag Archives: psychology

If You Always Wake Up Between 3 – 5AM, Here’s Why

  (bright guitar music) (writing utensils scratching) (ding) – [Amanda] Hey to Psych2Goers, and welcome back to another video. Are you having trouble getting a full night’s rest? Do you go to bed at 11:00 pm hoping for a good night’s sleep but wind up waking somewhere between 3:00 am and 5:00 am instead? (yawns)…

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6 Healthy Habits That Make You Mentally Strong

– [Instructor] Hey Psych2Goers welcome back. Thank you for being here. When you think of the phrase creating healthy habits for yourself, you probably think of eating healthy, exercising, and getting to bed on time. These are all great things to do for your physical health, but what about creating healthy habits for your mental…

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