Tag Archives: hiit

4 RECETTES HEALTHY POUR TA PERTE DE POIDS 😍 – très protéinés et ultra rapides.

Je suis ravis de vous retrouver pour vous partager 4 nouvelles recettes healthy idéales en perte de poids que j’inclus moi même dans ma sèche. J’ai hâte que vous les testiez 😍. N’hésitez pas a les partager sur les réseaux avec le #TeamGALLICE OUUUUU aussi à revenir sous la vidéo en commentaire 🙈. #Recettes #Healthy…

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15 Minute Workout – Best Indoor Cycling Training Cardio Session

Welcome to GCN’s hill-climbing training video where we, together, are going to head up the Col de Soller in Mallorca. Let’s not waste any time, we’ve got 2 minutes and 45 seconds to get ourselves warmed up. And whilst we’re starting to turn those pedals, I’m going to explain some of the graphics which you’re…

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16 min TABATA Karate KIHON workout 2.0 – real time training – TEAM KI

Welcome to TEAM KI This time another Karate Kihon Tabata series 4 rounds ZUKI, UKE, EMPI and KICKS Have fun ;). For years, you were taught that “dieting” and busting your butt at the gym several times per week were the only REAL ways to get fit. Well, there is scientific evidence that suggests that…

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