Tag Archives: TED-Ed

Is it possible to lose weight fast? – Hei Man Chan

In the wealthiest circles of Victorian England, bizarre fads ran rampant. But perhaps none was as strange as the tapeworm diet, in which dieters swallowed an unhatched tapeworm and let it grow inside them by consuming undigested meals. This is an exceptionally dangerous and unhealthy way to manage your weight. However, while modern fad diets…

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How to spot a fad diet – Mia Nacamulli

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/do-fad-diets-work-mia-nacamulli Conventional wisdom about diets, including government health recommendations, seems to change all the time. And yet ads routinely come out claiming to have THE answer about what we should eat. So how do we distinguish what’s actually healthy from what advertisers just want us to believe is good for us? Mia…

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How to spot a fad diet – Mia Nacamulli

Conventional wisdom about diets, including government health recommendations, seems to change all the time. And yet, ads routinely come about claiming to have the answer about what we should eat. So how do we distinguish what's actually healthy from what advertisers just want us to believe is good for us? Marketing takes advantage of the…

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