Tag Archives: education

Is it possible to lose weight fast? – Hei Man Chan

In the wealthiest circles of Victorian England, bizarre fads ran rampant. But perhaps none was as strange as the tapeworm diet, in which dieters swallowed an unhatched tapeworm and let it grow inside them by consuming undigested meals. This is an exceptionally dangerous and unhealthy way to manage your weight. However, while modern fad diets…

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Balanced Diet | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

Balanced Diet. Proteins help in growth and repair of body. Vitamins and minerals protect our body from various diseases. Dietary fibres help to get rid of undigested food. Water plays a very important role in our body. Water helps us to get rid of liquid wastes in the form of sweat and urine. Water also…

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Stanford Introduction to Food & Health – Trailer

Music Around the World. Today, people are suffering from more diet-related diseases than ever before. In recent history, MUSIC, The so-called Western diet has been implicated as the major contributor to our modern epidemics of disease. We don’t know what about the Western diet is creating the problems. But what we do know with a…

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